Saturday, May 12, 2007


Najera, Spain

No USB port for downloading pictures on this machine. So just wait because I have some wonderful ones.

The way continues to be absolutely wonderful, the scenery incredible, the flora and fauna in springtime abundance, and the weather--though hot--really grand. The only problem is the number of pilgrims. The alburgues are full every night and there is a grand rush when they open and another one in the morning to get out on the road and to the next place, damn the women and children.

People are taking to getting up earlier and earlier. AND IT CAN´T BE BECAUSE OF THE HEAT--if I can take it easily all those noisy people with headlights who get up at 4 AM can take it too. Than they are the ones who want to sleep in the afternoon when the NORMAL people are getting in, taking showers and socializing. And they want the lights out before 9. Come on!!!

Been getting to see a few church interiors I missed last year. Otherwise it seems like the same camino except very green, very warm, and very crowded. I must say though that the same camaraderie I found last year is sorely missing this year. Too many really boring people. And too many groups. A lot of Germans. They are nice. Actually I prefer to walk by myself especially in the morning and than want to kibbutz and chat later.

Though of course, it could be, that I am the boring one. Last year no one could get away from me. No they have other people to hang out with. And a lot of foreign tongues.

I did find Anne Marie again. She went back and forth and now is charging on with me. Everyone thinks we are a couple, which we are, but not in that context.

More pictures later.

1 comment:

Maria Papoila said...

Madeleine McCann, 4 years old,disappeared from The Ocean Club resort, Praia da Luz, Lagos, Portugal, in the evening of May 3, 2007. Police says that she was kidnapped by an english man.
Please, go to my blog, and if possible, copy my last post to your blog (it´s in english and in portuguese).
There´s a reward, google it!