Yes, the Dutch banker. His favorite word in English is exquisite. As in, let's have an exquisite appertive, followed by an exquisite little piece of sausage, then an exquisite piece of meat ( "I wish I had my Turk butcher here."), then an exquisite cheese.... Well you get the idea. And he does all the really wonderful cooking in the meagre confines of tiny crowded kitchens infested with hordes of other pilgrims. I never ate so well. Not as much fun as Anne Marie but what the heck.
Well I finally figured out how to do pictures. The above is me in a field of something. I got leaf cuts on my ankles by such antics.

here is the gite we stayed in the other night. it is in the the former presbytery of the church. The priest washed all the pigrims' feet prior to the service. I thankfully missed out on it due to the fact that I was in the shower washing my own feet among other things.
Weather has been overcast and humid lately. I think once I get on the way I will be using the poncho a lot. And I will get a prelude to the infamous Navarra mud. Hope to get back soon.
Just caught up with you. Freezing rain here. Taxes due yesterday (April 17). I read about people betting blisters on these caminos? I myself walked by a church yesterday, I think.
Yor writing is great and much appriciated.
just saw dave yesterday evening at the fun run and was wondering where you have been. and the turc catches you in southern france :-). you pilgrim! we are watching you from far away. take care of yourself. i will read this as far as i can.
Wishing the pilgrim boy all the best on his birthday today April 20th. Cheers, good walking and much love. D
Happy belated birthday. We made it to 57! I spent mine much like the queen did her's yesterday, lounging about then dinner with the spouse (although our's was from a Mexican restraunt rather than the palace kitchen). Keep those pictures coming. -Pat
We were just talking about you at breakfast Saturday after the run, wondering if anyone had caught your blog (the answer was NO) - so how great that you posted the web address for us today. Hope to hear that you catch up to some of the hot boys soon! Bill
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