SYNOPSIS: Middle aged, pious and penitant Manhattan guppy is on 1000 mile religious pilgrimage to NW Spain and finds himself stranded in a rural French gite alone with 9 French and Belgian women all with butch haircuts none of whom are lesbians. He is put in room with the one who seems most on the make. For film purposes will change bunk beds for king-sized bed with pink satin sheets. After such a night will he find a life of pain and remorse or one of love and fulfillment?
Ah, I survived. I had thought it would happen two nights previously and it didn't. Then it did last night. I realize I should have taken the top bunk as it would have been easier to kick off the attackers. But luckily that was not necessary.
Went out today for waht was to be my first walk over 20 km in well over a week. But my guide book was marked wrong and I inadvertantly took the shortcut (missing yet another Gothic church and cloister) and got into Condom early in the day. With 10 minutes to scope out the postcard scene.
WHAT a disappointment. Evart said there were scads of condom (as in preservatif) cards all over town. I should have known that for a non collector, scads means 3 or 4, not 30 or 40 like I was expecting. I have 2 of them alrea

Well, this is me at the pool at the gite yesterday. The French do do-it-right. This belonged to family who owned gite but we got to use it. Too cold for swimming but great for soaking weary feet and legs. We were in two little cabins in the woods (you now understand my nervousness and the Brokeback metaphor) overlooking a big valley.
Made my first gite reservation today by means of my new cell phone--I feel so European. I have to call in advance as I still cannot pronounce today yet. Oh well, only 1 more week in this country if leg and body hold up. Over 1/3 of way done.
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